Julia López Rosas Calle Real 158, entre Iglesia y Perla with two other rental casa within steps : Las Palmas across the street and Puerto Casilda next door. Tél. (41) 99-53-82 Locate on this map. |
It's now Julia's turn to take care and run the casa mainly built by her deceased husband, Juan José Mayor Albalat. In very luxurious surroundings and amenities, Dalia offers for rent upstairs two front end air-conditioned 5-star like ac bedrooms each with its own tv, fridge, flat-screen tv, bathroom and balcony above a vast patio a terrace and sun lounge partially shaded becoming a paladar dining area at night; a suite in the back overlooking the patio even has its own large terrace with lounge chairs and a jacuzzi and a mirador on the roof. Rates : 20-25cuc per bedroom per night - breakfasts 3-4, dinners 8-10cuc |